How to connect with Shadowrocket (iOS)


  • Download,Install,Sign it: Shadowrocket or better just buy it, it's much simpler
  • For Genshin Impact with version 2.7+ you need a game patch and sign it (Patch version 4.0.0 is now available!)
  • For Star Rail, There is no need for game patch. (means we still support this because you need a proxy aka this Shadowrocket)

How to Sign

  1. Follow instructions for downloading ipa
  2. Extract .ipa (in Mac)
  3. Sign .app file: sudo codesign -f -s - Payload/
  4. Compress back to .ipa: zip -qry Genshin.ipa Payload

How run in Mac PC?

You can run any iOS application with Playcover

Get started with how to use a proxy (Shadowrocket)

Turn on https decryption

  1. If it has been set https, you can skip this step.
  2. Open Shadowrocket, click bottom configuration menu item, open the arrow-indicated i icon on the right.
  3. Click on https decryption, turn on https decryption, and click on the √ sign above.
  4. Click Generate New CA Certificate, wait for a moment, and then there will be a pop-up, click confirm.
  5. Click Install Certificate, and click Allow.
  6. Return to desktop, open Settings - Downloaded Profiles, and install.
  7. Not done yet! Open Settings again - General - About this - Trusted Certificate Repositories - select certificate that was just generated.

Add module

  1. Open Shadowrocket, click bottom configuration menu item, open modules, and select New module.
  2. Paste this code, click save.
[URL Rewrite]
^https://([\da-z-.]+) header
^https://([\da-z-.]+) header
^https://([\da-z-.]+) header
^https://([\da-z-.]+) header
^https://([\da-z-.]+) header
^ header
^ header
^ header
^ header
^ header
hostname = %APPEND%,,,,
  1. Click on settings, select UDP, and turn on "forwarding" option.

Downloading Resources

Turn on proxy, enter game, enter any account information, and download resources and play it.

Genshin Impact
