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Private Server Neverness to Everness (NTE)
Date 11/30/2024, 7:45:05 AM
Actually this is not PS but a devkit that someone leaked it, but you can run it in offline mode so you can do anything as long as you know the commands.
How Play NTE PS
Download game YH_DEVELOP.7z or Terabox (This file is from @keitaro_gg, anything that happens to your computer or whatever is not our responsibility because this file was leaked from him.)
Extract zip file then find HT\Binaries\Win64\HTGame.exe then open it.
If you have reached the login screen, please press "`", just like how you open console in CS2
Use command open XL_map_bigworld_test, to enter the test map, if you fall wait until the map loading is complete then use the same command.
Before you can enjoy a simulator walk, you must add a new character and suicide to gain full access to the game (or you won't be able to attack, climb, etc). To suicide: SetPlayerHP 0 (Remember you have to add character items first)
open <map_name>
XL_map_bigworld_test # big world
FilmOrbit_map_WP_World # film orbit
DLC_FilmOrbit_map_WP # scary version of film orbit
Updater_P # main loading screen
Add character/item
AddNewItem <id_> <count_>
Note: you must suicide after the first time adding a character to “break free” from the broken starter character.
1001 Mint (blue catgirl) (broken)
1004 Lacrimosa (need to select in party first)
1005 Daffodill
1008 Skia (furry dude)
1009 Zero (start char, main char)
1010 Nanally (Red Cat Girl)
1014 Jiuyuan
1018 Alphard
1019 Mint (Mint Cat Girl)
1020 Haniel (don't work)
1021 Edgar
1023 Baicang (Baicang Momento)
1024 Jenson
1025 Hathor (Broken)
1026 Illica
1029 Hotori
1030 Iskra (don't work)
1031 Palomino
1032 Aniela
1033 Adler
1036 Zankou
1037 Male Protagonist
1038 Jerma
1039 Fadia (Purple one)
1040 Mismo
1041 EXE
1042 Raven
1043 Alphard
1044 Ellie
1045 Adonis
1125 # Nanally constellation
Vehicle007 # Key for Novus2000, can’t be used
AcceptQuest <id_>
(ID for quests with cutscene)
q1101134 # secret ester egg
Vehicle007 # Novus2000
Note: you cannot drive or get out of the vehicle
To have your vehicle moving (by itself, uncontrollable), enter these commands before entering the vehicle:
p.Vehicle.throttleOverride 5 # change throttle
p.Vehicle.SteeringOverride 50 # change steering
AbilitySystem.IgnoreCooldowns 1 # no cooldown
AbilitySystem.IgnoreCost 1 # unlimited ults
AddRoleExp # hunter level
SetPlayerHP 0 # suicide, must do after adding the first character to break free
SpawnMassTrafficVehicle # spawn cars
ResetToStart # load screen and teleport to the big building
goto # teleport. To get current coords click P and then click “获取当前坐标”
SkillCharge # change the “elemental change”
SkillCost # change this to 0 to do unlimited ult
AddItemMessage 1 1 # show the item received pop up